Child’s hand covered with blue fingerpaint playfully creating art

Child Therapy in Plymouth, MI


Every day you drop your kids off at school you dread the sound of your ringing phone, worried that it’s another phone call home. It seems like your child is driven by a motor or just can't ever sit still. When they were young, your child encountered the grief of losing an adult their were close with. Ever since COVID quarantine it’s been hard for things to feel “back to normal” for your family. Whether your child has difficulty with emotional regulation or frequent worries that do not seem to go away, we are here to help.

 We offer support for your child and your family. Our therapists can help your child develop coping skills for life's challenges, tools to better communicate their feelings, and ways to feel more regulated and calm throughout the day. We work with you as a team to problem solve and empower your child to better understand their feelings, experiences, and behaviors.

Child Therapy and Parent Support

Children smiling and running outside playing with bubbles

 If any of this sounds familiar, therapy may be a helpful support for you and your child:

  • Transitions are difficult (transitions between activities, to and from school, bedtime, etc.)

  • Your child expresses persistent worries, anxiety, or fears

  • Frequent tantrums, difficulty regulating emotions, feeling like you walk on egg shells to prevent a meltdown

  • Your child has trouble when things don’t go their way or one change in your routine throws off their entire day

  • Trouble making friends at school, summer camp, or at after school activities

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

  • Has experienced a traumatic or major life event such as a separation from a parent, medical procedures, adoption or foster care

  • It is hard for your child to sit still, maintain attention, or stay in their seat during school

  • Often receiving phone calls home from school

  • It is hard to soothe or connect with your child when they are upset. They want you nearby, but when you try to support them they push you away.       

What are Some Signs Your Child Could Benefit from Therapy?

Father standing up hugging his toddler age son

If you have been to traditional talk therapy as an adult, sitting in on a child therapy session may look a bit different than what you are used to. Child therapists often utilize play, art, and movement throughout sessions. Play therapy is a form of therapeutic intervention designed to help children express their feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. It utilizes the natural language of children, which is play, to facilitate emotional healing, personal growth, and the development of healthy coping skills.

 Sometimes, it is challenging for children to find the words to communicate their thoughts and feelings, especially when they are facing difficult situations or big feelings.  This is where play comes in. Imaginative play can help create a safe distance from the experience or emotion a child is processing. It can also help them to problem solve and use their own creativity as a source of strength.

At Create Space Therapy, we view children’s behavior as communication. Our therapists will help you and your child identify the root cause of their behaviors and identify the needs they may be trying to express. There may be times your child’s therapist offers strategies to try at home. Therapy is not a one size fits all approach. It is important for you to share with your child’s therapist what went well and what did not seem to fit with your child’s and family’s needs.

 Depending on your child’s age, their therapist may request that you join part or all of their session. There may also be times when your child meets individually one-on-one with their therapist.

What Can You Expect with Child Therapy?

Two school aged boys sitting in grass making silly faces

Parenting Resources

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

Fire Child Water Child by Dr. Stephen Cowan

Silhouette of mother and daughter facing a glowing orange sunset over the ocean

Schedule Your Child’s First Appointment Today

You don’t have to do this alone. Therapists at Create Space Therapy can talk to you about treatment options for your child including play therapy, Safe and Sound Protocol, EMDR, and more to meet your child’s unique needs.