Getting Started with Therapy

therapy office with cream couch, pillows, black end table, and a flower vase
Step One to begin therapy services in Plymouth, Grosse Ile, or virtually

Fill out our contact form. We will respond within 24 hours and you can schedule an intake appointment or free phone consultation.

Step Two to begin individual, family or couples therapy

Complete all intake paperwork online before your intake appointment. You will receive a link from Simple Practice and an email with directions to use our HIPAA compliant video platform or directions to our in person office.

Step Three attend your first appointment and get to know your therapist

Meet your therapist either online or in person at our Plymouth or Grosse Ile office. This is a chance to get to know each other, share your main concerns, and discuss goals and expectations for therapy. At the end of your first appointment you and your therapist will schedule ongoing appointments.