Therapist Spotlight: Jessica Katz, LLMSW

Jessica Katz individual and couples therapist smiling sitting on porch in sun

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better”

- Maya Angelou

Why did you choose to become a therapist?

I got my bachelors in psychology with a plan to become a child psychologist. I wanted to support children who experienced abuse. Somewhere along the way, I decided I wanted to be more active in fighting abuse, and thought becoming a lawyer would allow me to do that. I practiced law in a haphazard way for about a decade - only the last job I held had any relevance to supporting survivors of abuse, so I spent a lot of time running a nonprofit on the side that supported domestic violence survivors and their pets.

The pandemic turned my world upside down in much the same way it did for everyone else. I noticed that my legal career wasn’t giving me enough opportunities to do the interpersonal support work I enjoyed the most. I became disconnected from my Chicago communities and longed to be closer to my family in Michigan. I had to reckon with the fact that everything I had seen as the definition of failure – leaving my legal career, moving home to Michigan, starting all over – was not only exactly what I needed, but also exactly what I wanted. I saw everyone around me struggling to manage their own mental health concerns, and realized I could lean into my own experience as a way to help others navigate theirs. Helping and supporting others has always come naturally to me, so having the opportunity (and credentials) to make a career out of it is a dream come true - if somewhat deferred.

What are your favorite books?

I'm a voracious bibliophile (more of a book dragon actually - I hold onto books that I want to read but never seem to have time to!). I read a lot of books about history and social issues, and I love historical fiction. The only books I've re-read multiple times are The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and The Stories of Eva Luna by Isabel Allende (I'm working on reading that one in Spanish). I loved Laura van Dernoot Lipsky's book Trauma Stewardship, and I have her book The Age of Overwhelm on my shelf. I also loved Professional Troublemaker by Luvvie Ajayi Jones. I've read several books by Natalie Haynes and she may be becoming a favorite author.

What shows are you watching?

I'm on my 10th or 11th watch-through of Call the Midwife, and I've started introducing my partner to The Great British Bake-Off. We're also going back through Ted Lasso, because can you ever have enough Ted Lasso? 


Therapist Spotlight: Ashley Rone, LLMSW